NMDP℠ Chapters program

Students like you, working together for a cure

Chapters host education, recruitment and fundraising events throughout the school year. We need your help to organize, advertise and run these events. If you have a passion for encouraging change or you simply want to help, you’re in the right place!

A lot of good starts with a little swab

Young adult donors have the healthiest blood stem cells, which produce the best results for patients. That’s why we focus our efforts on engaging students. Through the NMDP Chapters program, we’ve recruited over 140,000 members to the registry, resulting in more than 1,200 lives impacted!

Benefits of joining a chapter

You will work toward developing professional skills in:

  • Communication
  • Leadership
  • Campaign management
  • Event planning
  • Networking
  • And more!

We also offer verified volunteer hours, awards and recognition for your efforts.

No school chapter? No problem.

Learn how you can take the lead as a recruitment ambassador

In this time of craziness and turmoil I want this to be your sign/inspiration to go out and do something good for yourself, someone else, and your community! Joining the registry and donating to someone in need has been such a rewarding experience.

JPBlood stem cell donor

It’s been an incredible journey… I like to think of it like, it’s not about the donor at all… it’s about the patient—solely the patient.

MarkBlood stem cell donor

Start saving lives

We’ll put you in contact with a NMDP representative who can lead you and your team to success!

Get Started