Two young women holding up an NMDP sign to join the registry.
Student volunteers at a donor recruitment drive

Join us on campus

Saving lives can be part of your college experience. Get involved and turn your goodness into greatness.

We save lives. And so can you.

  • College chapter member

    NMDP Chapters

    Become part of a student-run movement! Chapters organize events, educate their members and encourage their peers to join the NMDP RegistrySM.
  • College ambassadors

    NMDP recruitment ambassadors

    No chapter on your campus? No problem! You can still make a difference by becoming a recruitment ambassador. Commit to 10 volunteer hours and complete our annual training to get started.
  • UCLA coaches talking with students at a Get in the Game event.

    NMDP Get in the Game

    Encourage your college athletic teams to host recruitment events to help educate students and athletes about the importance of blood stem cell donation and inspire them to join the registry.
  • Three female students holding balloons

    Partner with NMDP

    We work with colleges, universities and collegiate organizations around the country to further our life-saving mission.

Additional opportunities

You can make a meaningful impact through things like:

  • Classroom presentations
  • Curriculum enrichment
  • Engaging speakers
  • Event participation
  • Community service hours
  • Practicum hours
Students on campus
Stem cell donor Charlsie


“If you ever have the chance to join the registry, please do. It will not only change your life, but it can also save another.”

Blood stem cell donor
Closeup of blood stem cell donor Natalie, smiling widely at home.


I joined the registry because my dad had AML [acute myeloid leukemia]. A year later, I was called to be a donor. My father passed away in February 2023, but I cherished the extra time we had with him."

Blood stem cell donor

How does the registry work?

Learn everything you need to know about donors, patients and the donation process.

Start saving lives

Sign up and we’ll connect you with an NMDP representative who can lead you and your team to success!